With the winter starting to come along nicely here in northern Sweden I saw it appropriate to add a new label to this blog. The name Bummers Delight itself derives from the word "bummer", in ski terms meaning someone who tosses everything aside for that epic skitrip, that season in the Alps, Canada, Alaska or where ever his or hers bummer heart finds it worth spending time. The word "delight" is really just a way to say that you, as a bummer, don´t have that much cash to throw around, and therefore music being one of few delights. Skiing aside ofcourse.
Now you don´t have to go to Alaska, Canada, the Alps or even to a place made for skiers, to go skiing. That is proven in this segment from "All I Can" by The Sherpas, featuring JP Auclair. This segment is simply called "Street". Have a look, and as always, Enjoy!
The first time I heard about Mickey Avalon was back in 2008 when the ski movie "Yeah Dude" was released by PBP. Sammy Carlsons part caught my attention because of the song Mr. Right.
Mickey Avalon, or Yeshe Perl which is his real name was born in 1975 in Hollywood, California. Most of his songs are about substance abuse and prostitution. His songs are totally retarded (y). I´d call it stand up comedy mixed with hiphop. Enjoy!
Mickey Avalon - Mr. Right
The Hood Internet - Dick Move (Mickey Avalon Vs CSS)
The Hood Internet, consisting of Chicago based Aaron Brink and Steve Reidell are mainly focused on hiphop-mashups. Their songs have risen to the top of the Hypechart at several occasions. Have a listen and visit their webpage to find out why! Enjoy!
M83s latest 2 disc album Hurry Up, We´re Dreaming was released a while back. The album includes singles such as Midnight Cityand New Mapas well as the song Wait, which been remixed by the Sound Remedy to give it a totally different up tempo electro sound. The first two minutes are a bit bibbediboppedi, just hang in there (or press ffw). Enjoy!
Violins, heavy bass lines, guitars, great rhythm and soothing vocals. These are all parts of Karl Savs remix of the song Never by The Falls. Clicking the title initiates listening mode. Enjoy!
"Yes. I’m the rapper you found on your girlfriend’s iPod and couldn’t help but say that shit is dope.
Yes. My life is a party.
Yes. I’m sicker then your average.
Yes. I’m white. Raised in Oakland and Berkeley, CA, currently chillin in New Orleans.
Yes. I’m in college. Trying to get it done…
Yes. I’m a big ass kid. Never really wanna grow up.
Yes. I wanna make millions one day and ball outrageous.
Yes. I make most of my own beats, and record all my shit in my bedroom.
Yes. I’m chill, but if you see me in public and try to approach me, if u get a weird vibe, I’m not tryna be hollywood its just I’m kinda socially awkward and don’t know how to take compliments. Thanks though.
Yes. I listen to The Beatles everyday.
Yes. I listen to a Tribe Called Quest everyday.
Yes. I spit. But if you see me at the club don’t ask me to battle. That shits annoying and I’m tryna chill.
Yes. I do a lotta shows, and perform with a live band. Those guys are dope as fuck.
Yes. I’ve opened up on tour for a lotta cool people.
Yes. I’ve self-released a lotta music so far. You can download it on iTunes or http://music.g-eazy.com
Yes. I do this. Get familiar.
@ Tha-Tha-That’s all folks!
signed yours truly
- G-Eeeeaazzyy"
Whoever writes that on their webpage deserves a round of applause. If that someone makes great music as well, well then who am I not to praise him? Ladies and gentlemen: G-Eazy- All I Could Do feat. Skizzy Mars & Devon Baldwin. Enjoy!
Done with this mathcourse, got an A. All good, and all done talking about that. Let´s talk music.
The Cazzette duo consists of the two young swedes Alexander Björklund and Sebastian Furrer. They´re the latest fruits of the "At Night Management"-loom. Their bootleg of Adele´s song Set Fire To The Rain rose to, correct me if i´m wrong, the top of the Hypechart. That particular track you´ll find right here.
The young duo have now dropped something quite eardropping. Here´s their song Killmode vs. Right Here Right Now. Enjoy!
Had to post another one of Lucas Nords remixes. This time it´s Adam Tensta and Billy Kravens song "Scared of the dark" thats been given an electro/house touch-up. Enjoy!
Stockholm based Urban Cone released some new tunes through Universal earlier this year. Here are my two favourite songs. And this being a remix collection and everything, I´ll also top off with a really nice remix by Lucas Nord. Enjoy!
What? - British rock/pop band. Cult status. Top billing.
When? - Between 1971 and 1986. Last album released as recently as 2001.
Why? - I honestly have no idea. The majority of the songs are actually quite bad...
Didn´t really think this post through before I went on typing away.
More Tiësto. A couple of weeks back I posted another remix of the song Paradise by Coldplay from their album Mylo Xyloto, anticipating better remixes yet to come. And here it is. Enjoy!
What better way to kickstart the weekend then with some Hard-Fi remixed by Tiësto. The song´s called Fire In The House and was released earlier this summer @ Hard-Fi´s latest album Killer Sounds. The intro is a bit long (aprox 1 min 20 secs), but after that it´s all good. Proper progressive electro/house. Enjoy!
Adrian Lux, one of Bummer Delights favourite DJ´s just released the song "Alive" in co-operation with The Good Natured, who happens to be one of Bummer Delights favourite bands. And then, Basto, who I really don´t know that much about came along and did a great remix. Today was a good day. Enjoy!
Tom Evans and Dan Griffiths common project "The White Panda" means hiphop, dubstep, classics, pop and electro mixed into catchy mashups for the dancefloors. Let´s see if you can figure out what songs are incorporated in their mixes. No cheating now. Enjoy!
1. The song "Levels" by Avicii (Great tune, but it´s getting old)
2. Skrillex-ish dubstep (I´ve never quite grasped the whole concept of butchering great music)
3. Autumn (I prefer winter)
4. Math (It´s math)
Next summer I´ll follow The Bloody Beetroots tour schedule. And, when they´ll play at a really small, run down bar or anything like that in Paris or Amsterdam I´ll clear my schedule, drive down through Germany, buy a ton of booze and then do a 48 hour ravetour, ending with The Beetroots. Oh summer, I miss thee. Enjoy!
How this song only have approximitly 70 "likes" at The Hypemachine is for me one of the worlds mysteries. Let´s look at the facts: Digitalism = Great band, Eric Prydz = Übergreat DJ and producer, Circles = Who got a problem with circles? Enjoy!
(Clicking the "circles" link takes you to the webpage of photographer Nils Olof Hedenskog, whos work "Creeping in circles" was displayed at Fotografiska (which is an museum for contemporary photography) a couple of months back. And let´s just say, their instalment wasn´t all that good. Basically two guys with a fixed camera shooting from above while they were, that´s right, creeping in circles)
Now this must be the perfect song for ending a setlist or a gig. The Wanted´s latest single "Glad You Came" here, superbly remixed, by Alex Gaudino. Enjoy!
Clicking the title takes you straight to The Hypemachine for some "electrofilled trippy housemusic" by 24 year old Caled Cornett, more commonly known as; Amtrac. I´d call it "happy music". Enjoy!
Although some may argue this is chillstep, I´d like to put my chin out and state that this probably is the best dubstep to come out of 2011. Blackmill´s working his magic with the bass, whilst Veela´s killing it at the vocals. Great song! Enjoy!
It aint all about the classics, although Kap Slap did use a, well kinda, classic making this track; "Strobe" by Deadmau5. Same track as Stockholm based producer/DJ duo Nause made a smashing remix of a year back or so. You´ll find that particular track right here. Enjoy!
Ok, now I haven´t gone totally classic and boring despite my old age and, at the moment, highly un-interesting lifestyle. Perhaps I´ve just come to an understanding about how to enjoy different types of music. Being able to hit the off switch, pour a nice glass of wine and just zone out for a while is nowadays something I´d gladly put as an interest in my CV (perhaps not using the words "zone out" as it may refer to, well other things, but you catch my drift).
Earlier this night I went out with some friends of mine. We were all having a great time, but as the bars closed we scattered. I happened to find myself at an quite un-interesting afterparty with some random people arguing over which Spotify-playlist to choose. After a while, when everything had settled a bit, I put this song on, and the whole floor went silent.
I´ve been really busy with school and work these last couple of days. A new co-operation with a workout music database has also been established, so there´ll be a new label on the blog pretty soon. Please do enjoy the rest of the songs here at BummersDelight for now, and I´ll hit you up with some fresh tracks again shortly!
Went through the archives today and found a small Norwegian gem in form of Thomax. A couple of years back I listened constantly to The Thomax Remix-Files. The Remix-Files consists of well over 50 songs, they´re all great songs and all of which you can download for free via Thomax webpage. Some of the songs are pretty dark, and the beats Thomax lay down are pretty heavy, the songs never get "too heavy" though thanks to the string instruments, flutes and occasional piano parts. Here´s a couple of my personal favourites, presented as an musical hors d´oeuvre. Enjoy!
Wordsworth + Masta Ace - Evol (Thomax Remix)
Cyne - Tide Of Life (Thomax Remix)
One Be Lo - Rocketships (Thomax Remix)
Apathy - I Remember (Thomax Remix)
Jedi Mind Tricks + Ill Bill - Heavy Metal Kings (Thomax Remix)
Vinnie Paz - 16 Bars Of Paz (Thomax Remix)
Looptroop - Looptroop Radio (Thomax Remix)
O.C. - 1985: Born To Live (Thomax Remix)
Kno + Thee Tom Hardy + Tunji Of Inverse - Rhythm Of The Rain (Thomax Remix)
Bummers Delight - Remix Collection is now iPhone and Android ready! Perfect for when you´re on the move or don´t wanna hang-out in front of the computer. Just type in "bummersdelight.blogspot.com" in your smartphones browser and you´ll see the modified layout. Press play and keep the music flowing, wherever, whenever. Enjoy!
I absolutely love this song (yeah I know, this particular clip is a cover). Starts off really chilled with the guitar and everything, then @ around 1 minute: boom bam kadasch (etc. etc.). And then it goes back to being really pleasant. Genius at work, genius at work. Enjoy!
Here´s a happy remix of "Happy Violence"... Pun intended. Anyhow, many of you probably know about Dada Life by now. They´re the guys who´re crazy about bananas and known for dropping a couple of sick beats here and there. Caveat... Don´t know a thing about him/her/them. Great song though. Enjoy!
Clicking the title takes you straight to the eight part of The Sagan Series, which is an, I guess you could call it, video blog, to pay tribute to the late Carl Sagan. Carl was, among a wide variety of things, an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist and author. I really enjoy watching The Sagan Series, and I hope you will too. Enjoy!